zorros crew

Monday, September 04, 2006

tagged by the zoo

Zorro (the dog) so many things are special about me.
1. I really think I am part cat. I like to play (eat) with the toys they have, they are better than
2. I am a boy but I never had a big boy dog to teach me stuff, my big sister taught me to squat
to pee. (I am 6 and I still squat)
3. I like to go in the car, even if it is to see all my girls at the stabby place.
4. I love my kitties, i want to play with them, sometimes buttons don't like it and she always
runs away from me crying. I will not hurt her, but sometimes she lets me touch her nose
with my nose and that is good .
5. when my special humans come home i go into panic and i have to find something to put in my
mouth so i can meet them at the door and sometimes my tail is making my whole body

1. I like to stand on mom and sing, i would like to do it all night long. she will not let me.
2. I like to pull the covers off mom, i grab the cover withmy teeth and just shake till they come
off. mom sometimes hits me on the head, tells me to stop biting her, I am not biting her,
I just nip.
3. I like to take a nap all day so i can keep mom up all night. I wake up when she comes home
from whereever she goes to all day.
4. I think they like the dog better, his treats are real good and sometimes I get some.
5. i don't like it when someone sits in my spot on the couch. when they get up i take my spot
back. so there...

1. I like to sleep next to the dog. he has long fur coat and keeps me warm. if mom would stop
making it cold in here I would not have to do this.
2. I do like to walk under the dog and bite him on the leg. sometimes he takes his foot and body
slams me, when he does that i bite him on the nose. that is like ten times fun.
3. I like to lay on mom's back thing thats vibrates and when I sing to her it sounds really funny
4. I like to stand at the back door when zorro goes outside and when he comes in we get a treat
just like he does. we just bat it around, bill eats it. but we do like the pig ear thingys they are real tasty, and the jerky stuff is good too.
5. I watch for mom to brush her hair. when she does i say mirp, jump on the sink, I ask her
nicely, mirp, mirp, please brush me too. I watch in the mirror to make sure that the cat
in there gets brushed right to.

1. Bob and I are twins, cept I am calico and he is tuxedo.
2 I don't like to be alone. If I am by myself in a room I hollar up real loud, mom, mom,
she has to come and rescue me for being alone.
3. The VET lady, she is pretty nice and doesn't hurt me. she told mom i have something,
some mune stuff that mean I am lurgic to my teeth. She said I will not have any teeth left
by when I am 3.
4. I like hockey, dad says Bon Bon get out from in front of the tv. but i like to watch the thing
get hit by a stick and get chased. I sometime will hit it and chase it to.
5. ok mom says I have stinky gas. I don't know, but I don't hear anything, mom says I smell
pooh pooh, but she can't find it, so she blames me. I think it is the dog, or dad.


1. I am afraidy cat, fraid of eveything.
2. I wait for mom to be good and sleep, Then I reach out and touch her very gently on the nose
with my paw.
3. The dog scares me.
4. Outside scares me.
5. I watch all the other kids all day, when mom comes home I tell her how bad they were.

1. mom fusses at dad.
2. mom always says, please do not walk in the water bowl with your dirty feet, I just cleaned it.
3. mom is very weird, she likes to get wet every day.
4. mom says her noes is senstive, please cover after your trip to the litter box. but sometimes
it is impressive and she needs to see, geesh
5. mom makes good cereal milk, she lets us share

1 - 5 dad is just plain weird. no explanations needed.

we tag, Digby, Mouse, Sweetie,Jasper Mckitten Cat,2CarolinaCats


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Elvis Pepin said...

What a wonderful name!
Especially for a CAT... ME"ow"!


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